Junior Branch (JB) is a community of young volunteers that are part of CISV International.
Junior Branch Purpose
Junior Branch offers opportunities for youth to develop attitudes, skills and knowledge through educational initiatives that contribute to the mission and vision of CISV.
Junior Branch Goals & Indicators
Each local Junior Branch (JB) may be structured differently within its National Association (NA)*. However, all Junior Branches work towards the following goals:
*Unless otherwise specified, the term National Association (NA) includes Promotional Association (PA).
Goal 1: Actively contribute to CISV’s Educational Approach, by:
1.1. Providing youth the opportunity to deliver educational content activities on CISV content areas
1.2. Identifying and creatively using different tools and methods to promote Peace Education
1.3. Working in collaboration with other areas and levels of CISV
1.4. Aligning the educational initiatives delivered by Junior Branch with CISV’s educational, quality and brand guidelines
Goal 2: Provide youth with the opportunities for self-development and leadership, by:
2.1. Enhancing youth participation and representation at the different levels of CISV
2.2. Inspiring youth to take initiative and develop skills to become agents of change
2.3. Enabling youth to act on their ideas and individual potential to develop educational initiatives
2.4. Empowering youth to constructively challenge current structures within the organization
Goal 3: Encourage youth to take initiative in their own communities, by:
3.1. Applying the methods, ideas and tools acquired in CISV in their daily lives
3.2. Developing their attitudes, skills and knowledge for the benefit of their community
3.3. Engaging in local social impact initiatives
3.4. Collaborating with Like-Minded Organizations (LMOs) and other local organizations to achieve common goals
Goal 4: Foster an inclusive community of youth volunteers, by:
4.1. Creating positive and constructive interactions between youth
4.2. Cultivating diverse opinions, understandings and backgrounds
4.3. Promoting an environment with opportunities for youth participation at all levels of CISV
4.4. Connecting youth through a global network sharing the same purpose, values and goals
Our Structure

International Junior Representatives (IJRs)
The IJRs are in charge of International Junior Branch and represent Junior Branch to all other parts of CISV International. They can help you plan and develop projects as well as answer any questions you might have. They are always happy to hear from you.
International Junior Branch Team (IJB Team)
The IJB Team consists of 2 International Junior Representatives (IJRs) and 4 Team members whose portfolios supplement the work of IJRs and target specific areas of development in IJB. These portfolios are flexibly defined, distributed on an annual rotation, and revised on a regular basis in alignment with IJB goals. The Team is chaired by the IJRs. There are two types of portfolios:
- Specialist portfolios address current IJB priorities and challenges through setting long-term direction and managing relevant projects.
- Committee portfolios participate in decision-making processes in International Committees of CISV International, bringing in JB perspective and overseeing how JB initiatives can have a wider reach in the organization.
Regional Teams
There are 3 Regional Teams; AJB Team (Americas’), APJB Team (Asia-Pacific) and EJB Team (Europe, Middle East & Africa). They are in close contact with the NJRs of their region and work to develop and support national and local JBs. You can approach them about things happening in your local Junior Branch and for support as always.
National Junior Representatives (NJRs)
The NJRs all have an email account that you can use to reach them at anytime if you want to talk about a joint project or how they did a certain activity. It is good to communicate with other NJRs to see what they are doing because who knows, you just might be doing very similar things!