IJB Thinks is back!
April 29, 20181. Introduce the new NJR by emailing njr.list@ijb.cisv.org
National Junior Representatives are part of a global team of their peers in other NAs and PAs who also work alongside one of the three JB Regional Teams and the IJB Team who supports their work. Getting to know each other creates opportunities for better collaboration, international projects and giving JB Regional Teams and IJB Team the opportunity to support NJRs better.
By emailing the njr.list@ijb.cisv.org distribution list you will be sending an introduction email to all NJRs, Regional Teams, IJB Team and IJRs.
2. Ask your National Secretary to update the National Directory on myCISV
The National Directory is an important list of those in official positions in each NA/PA and their Chapters! Being on the National Directory as the NJR is required when casting a vote on Junior Branch voting windows as well as being granted access to different resources. To update your National Directory you must first make sure that your myCISV account is properly maintained with your personal data, take some time to login to myCISV and make sure everything is in order and accurate. Once your information is ready approach your National Secretary and ask them to update the “National Junior Representative” (Junior and Senior) entry on the myCISV list they have access to!
PS. Only National Secretaries can do this update.
3. Request your National Email Coordinator to update your NJR Distribution List
What is a Distribution List you ask? Have you seen those @xx.cisv.org emails … those are really distribution lists and not emails, and although you won’t have access to it (as you do for your personal email account) you will be receiving emails from it to your assigned personal email. All NJRs are asked to have an njr@xx.cisv.org (or a similar distribution list) which we use to add to all the important lists, like for Neighbourhood or NJBs. To get your personal email behind the right lists – which is necessary for you to receive important emails – you either contact your National Secretary or your National eMail Coordinator and ask them to update the njr@xx.cisv.org list and any other important Junior Branch list of your NA might have.
4. Read the NJR Welcome Pack that you will be receiving by email from the IJRs
There are many welcome packs out there, but each IJR team creates a special pack for NJRs each year to welcome them to the role and the general task that they will taking over! Once you have been selected and gone over the first 3 items on this list make sure you check your email for the NJR Welcome Pack!
5. Contact your Regional Team
Regional Teams are one of the best allies for NJRs! So take some time to reach out to the whole Team in your Region, introduce yourselves, your motivations for being National Junior Representative and what you want from them through your term. Your relationship with Regional Teams is one of collaboration, you will need their help and they will need yours! So make sure to create the bases for this collaboration to happen.
6. Get to know your Neighborhood
Become acquainted with your Neighborhood by meeting with your fellow NJRs and the Regional Team Member liaison. You can start discussing what’s currently going on in the Neighborhood and in your own Junior Branch. Get to meet them all and find out what they will be doing for you over the next year, and how your Junior Branch and Neighborhood interact with the Region.
7. Plan for a proper transition
Be ready to pass the torch and receive it from the outgoing NJR! Schedule some time to make a transition between the NJRs smooth, it will help out those coming into the role and will keep your Junior Branch going strong.
8. Think about the Year Plan
Working without a plan rarely works out … that’s why we encourage you to plan ahead, come up with an Year Plan for your Junior Branch. Think about the opportunities you will have with like minded organizations, local impact, training, a Neighbourhood project maybe, or planing to host an IJBC, or so many other things you might come up with!
Coming up with an Year Plan will help you recruit the right people for the work, establish a good relationship with your NA Board and work on the overall impact of Junior Branch for CISV.
9. Get your team together
So many things to do! So much work for the upcoming year, but you won’t be alone! First you have a fellow NJR who is in this with you, and second you can recruit as many people as you want, according to your structure, that you might need to get the work you have set out yourselves to do.
10. Get your NA Board involved
As National Junior Representative you’ll be interacting with your NA Board either directly or through a JB representative, make sure they know who you are, what your intentions for Junior Branch will be during your term and how you can support each other in the years to come.
1 Comment
This is great stuff! Well done! Very good gif choices as well!